Rental Information




The Ellis County Fair is more than just the seven days every July. The fair board also offers building rental for non-fair events throughout the year.  Whether you are getting together with family and friends for a reunion, hosting a business meeting, or marrying your best friend, the Ellis County Fair has a lot to offer!  


The Ellis County Fair Grounds have two large, multi-purpose buildings. The Schenk Building has 6,600 square feet. The Unrein Family Building has 7,500 square feet.  Furthermore, both buildings have restroom facilities, kitchens, meeting space, speaker systems, etc.


The two large, multi-purpose buildings are connected by the Deutschefest Hall. This hall can be used as a meeting area (seats 80 people). In addition, both buildings can be rented as one unit. In this configuration, a speaking platform can be placed in the Deutschefest Hall, and 1,200 seats and tables can be placed in the Unrein Family Building / Schenk buildings to view the stage area. This is great for very large gatherings.

Contact Information

Tom and Melinda Fross

Fair Grounds Managers



Building Contract


If you are interested in renting the Schenk, Unrein Family Building or Deutschefest Hall, please download our rental agreement form:



Fair Ground Building and Grounds Rental


If you are interested in renting the Schenk, Unrein Family Building, or Deutschefest Hall, please download our rental agreement form


For additional information, please contact Melinda Fross via e-mail at or 785-628-8820.


*Please note that we DO NOT board horses at the fair grounds. Thank you.