Ellis County 4-H News and Events/Open Class

Ellis County ExtensionEllis County 4-H

Visit the Ellis County Extension website to learn more about 4-H, including information on how to join 4-H, council and committees, club notes, newsletters, events, and cool online web links. 

Fair Entry System - Everyone needs to pre-enter the projects through that link. 4-H families can log in with their 4-H online username and password. Open class will need to register for an account. Entry Help Sheet

Get Your Entry Results Here!

Ellis County 4-H
2018 Ellis County Fair Books
Download: 2018 Open Class Fair Book (DOC)
Download: 2018 4-H Special Awards
Download: 4-H Division Fair Book (Ellis Co Extension Website)
Download: 4-H Division Fair Book (DOC)

Download the 2018 Ellis County Open Class Fair Book, including general rules, divisions, classes, and other relevant information.

Ellis County 4-H Clubs
Download: Club Listing (Ellis Co Extension Website)

Download a complete list of Ellis County 4-H clubs, officers, and contact information.
2018 4-H Livestock Sale



Saturday, July 21, 2018
5 p.m.
Ellis County Fairgrounds


With the announcement of Ellis County, Kansas, being named as the No. 2 County in the United States by Progressive Farmer magazine, it’s no surprise we have many youth involved with 4-H activities. That’s why we are personally inviting you to be part of our youth and their development in our local area. Please plan to attend the Ellis County 4-H Livestock Sale!


What is the livestock/grand champion auction?

The Ellis County 4-H Livestock Auction is when the animals the 4-Hers have raised and cared for are sold to the public. This is the final step in their projects where the educational aspects come to life. This is also where the grand champion and reserve champion food projects are sold. The sale will be Saturday, July 21, 2018, 5 p.m. at the Ellis County Fairgrounds.


Why should I purchase an animal or food project?

You will receive personal satisfaction through:


  • Helping promote 4-H youth “Learn by Doing” programs.
  • Obtaining meat for your freezer or locker, if you so desire.
  • Free advertising as a buyer in a support sign to hang in your business.
  • May be tax deductable premium contribution. Contact your income tax preparer to determine if this is a tax deductible contribution.


4-H motto - “To Make the Best Better”


What types of projects will be sold?

Animals:  Market beef, market swine, market lamb, meat goats, poultry and rabbits.

Foods: The overall grand and reserve champion food projects which could be anything ranging from breads to cookies.


Payment is due the day of the sale, made payable to Ellis Co. Fair. There are two plans from which buyers may choose:


Plan 1

Buy an animal through the sale for the market price, plus the premium price, and keep the project for a butcher animal. You must make arrangements with 4-Her in regards to transportation to locker. If the animal is reserved to show, it will be delivered to you at a later date.


Plan 2

Buy the animal and pay only the premium price. The animal will remain the responsibility of the 4-H member.


Please Note: Anyone may add on additional premium to a 4-Her’s check by informing the clerk of the additional amount, with payment at the close of the sale.


What do I do after I purchase an animal for consumption?

The processing arrangements are the buyer’s responsibility. Smoky Hill Meat Processing will be on site at the sale to make arrangements, if you so desire. 4-H Family provides transportation to processor, FREE of charge.


Who do I contact for more information?

Justin Sheck, Ellis Co Fair Board Representative

Ph#: 785-650-9969